Our Proposal Story

i think the best love stories are ridiculous 

so by that calculation our love story is one of the best

all photos in this post by Shari + Mike Photographers

from our engagement session at Lighthouse Park

Kyle and I  met on a competitive university beer drinking team in Montréal in 2008.


Technically we met as I was picking up my team uniform (yeah it was a real team) and Kyle was standing in the doorway as I was leaving.  I had to ask him to get out of my way.  Always one for technicalities apparently, he proposed outside that exact doorway, The Door, 6 years + 359 days later.  

The reason I was picking up my team uniform, is that winter my best party friends had left me to start new schooling and exchange programs and I was lamenting this fact to a biochemistry friend and she said, “well in that case, why don’t you join our carnival team?”  So I did.  

I was looking to make some friends who liked drinking beer.  And boy did I ever.  On that team I met my husband, his best man, and a friend who I traveled for 2 months in South East Asia with.   We drink fancier beer in fancier bars now, but the friendships have endured. 

So after years of drinking beer together Kyle and I headed back to Montreal to celebrate New Years 2015 + to visit 2 of our best friends E + A.  When Kyle found out about the trip he decided it would be the perfect time to give me that ring he + his mom + my sister had mastermindedly ordered + stored + waited for the right moment together.  He decided to propose outside The Door.  

But I think in his plan he kind of forgot what a difficult combination of Type A + Chronically Late person I am.  So it was really, really, really hard to get me to The Door.  I wanted to meet our friend who was slow to respond to texts // I didn't know why we were in such a rush // shouldn't we stop and get some gin? // A just wants to hang out let's stay here // maybe we can meet at this restaurant // ...

Eventually Kyle gave up on anything organically happening and enlisted the help of the two friends we were staying with.  He told E when I was in the shower + they conspired together to get A + me out the door.  With that still not really working, Kyle told A when E + I were picking up that gin so he could help get me to The GD Door.  (Poor Kyle.)

Without much time to explain the plan to A, A felt he was was left to figure out his own way to make the proposal happen. So as he drove us through the neighbourhood, he pretended to pick a fight with E, pulled over to the side of the road, yelled “everyone out of the car!” and sped away.   

I couldn’t figure out why our best friends had abandoned us on the side of the road and kept asking “where did our friends go? Where did our friends go?!!” while Kyle pulled me down the street (A had missed the spot by about a block.) After a while, panic setting in, I started to notice that Kyle was talking on and on about how much he loves me and how we had met around there about 7 years ago…. And I started to think- “IS HE PROPOSING!? WHERE ARE OUR FRIENDS?!?”

He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him

and a few minutes later said,

“Uhhh, you haven’t actually said yes yet”

to which I responded

“I’m sorry, could you ask again?  I wasn’t paying attention!”  

So he asked me again, and in the middle of figuring out we hadn't been terribly abandoned + balling my eyes out I said yes.

E + A eventually came back for us,  we went back to our AirBnB popped some champagne and celebrated our proposal-

that went off exactly how an Eva + Kyle proposal should have - HILARIOUS, ridiculous, and full of love.

oh man i sure do love that guy